Frenchie Friday!

Frenchie Friday!! ~

Happy Friday everyone!!  I hope your week was wonderful. At our house we are very busy planning some adventures with little h. and the bulldog that are upcoming.

In honor of heading up north for a bit, I found this throwback pic of sophie hanging out in a patch of clover back in Ohio. As much as I love the beach, and the soft white sand,  I will be very excited to let Harlow explore some real, soft, non red ant attacking park grass on our trip.

I am hoping to find time before we leave to share some family pics we recently had taken and catch up before we head out, so check back soon!


Have a great weekend everyone!!



Our Safe Sunscreen Search


Since having my first child, my views on many of the products I was buying for myself and my husband have changed. So this year when we went to purchase sunscreen for our family I did what any informed mother would do. I researched the ingredients on the bottle I had emptied at home. No harm right? I was shocked at some of the ingredients I had been slathering on my skin over the last year. So on my search went for a natural, healthy alternative for our family.   Continue reading

Frenchie Friday!!

Happy Friday to everyone here at lightgreenmothering. We have been a very busy family  preparing for little h.’s first big road trip adventures  and taking some family time to enjoy the beach and ocean. It’s so beautiful this time of year in Florida.

We also had the excitement of four total teeth this last few weeks and my little girl is crawing faster then I ever imagined a baby could crawl.

I promise to catch you all up on our last few weeks of absence to the page very soon. Until then, here is Sophie and Happy Frenchie Friday!!!

Frenchie Friday!

An Open Letter To My 9 Month Old.

I was inspired to write this letter after reading Suprise Mama’s post to her child. What a great idea and thank you for the inspiration mama! So now I would like to share with you the letter I wrote to my 9 month old daughter. Enjoy!

An open letter to my 9 month old  ~

Dearest Harlow, Continue reading

Frenchie Friday!

Oh yes, it is Frenchie Friday over here at lightgreenmothering. Hope your week was extra wonderful. If not at least you get a bulldog picture at the end of it.

Here is a throwback picture of Sophie the bulldog.

Spring Showers Bring May Flowers. Frenchie Friday ~ lightgreenmothering.comHappy Friday!


EC, What is it?


Elimination Communication

Elimination Communication (Photo credit: lkonstanski)

You ask, what exactly is EC? 

EC is a short term for Elimination Communication. Also known as natural infant hygene. It is a  gentle, laid back process in which a baby has the opportunity with the loving support of parents and caregivers to share it’s elimination needs and have his/her needs addressed. Typically beginning from 0-20 months, but really is it ever too late to positively communicate anything with your baby? Continue reading

Harlow’s Birth Story

This is the story that changed my life forever.
My pregnancy went very well and I was lucky to have no real issues.  It was actually one of the best times of my life thus far.  My husband Jeff and I had been anxiously awaiting her arrival as our EDD changed from the 11th to the 1st of August after an ultrasound tech assured us we were farther along than we or our midwives has suspected.  It became clear as the days rolled right past the first of August that we should have stuck with our instincts.  You are prepared for so many things in pregnancy, but the emotion of that last week or two of waiting I had not prepared myself for. Continue reading

About lightgreenmothering


This is me…Lightgreenmom 

A little about me and my little light green family…..My name is Heather (lightgreenmom). My amazing partner in this life Jeff and I have known each other since high school.  We have been on many adventures and gotten into many shenanigans along the way.   We finally were married in the winter of 2008.


Before becoming a mom, I was a stylist, educator and salon owner in a small town in Southern Ohio. I enjoyed the busy bustle of the salon, but felt there was something missing from the picture.

We then decided to move 1000 miles from the place we had called home since birth and start fresh by the beach in Sunny Florida. Along for the adventure  was our French Bulldog Sophie. You will certainly see her here at lightgreenmothering. Continue reading