Rockin Green Laundry Detergent Review

lightgreenmothering.comWhen we first settled in with little h. I purchased a bag of Rockin Green laundry soap from a local shop. I must say that one single bag lasted 10 whole months!! I can, in part thank EC for this as well as our hand washing efforts. But what I must say more than that is, I love the stuff!!
We chose to purchase the “Bare Naked Babies” (which is their rock and roll wording for unscented) because my husband is very sensitive to scents in his laundry soap and we feared h. would be as well. However since then, we have used most of the scented options in sample form (smells heavenly and isn’t overpowering at all) with no allergy issues.
I have used this both in a washing machine and by hand and found it works great both ways. I typically dissolve it for a bit in hot water then add in medium water and diapers when hand washing. We have used it for 10 months now and have zero build up on our cloth. It also works great for baby clothes. We have used it a little for clothing when I haven’t had a fresh batch of my homemade all natural soap on hand. It’s very gentle and I love how well it works without all of the added toxins many detergents and soaps impart on you and your family. Also, the packaging and name was enough to reel me in. A child growing up in the 90’s all you have to do is put a catchy rock inspired label in front of me and I’m all over it. But seriously, if you are in the market for a safe, affordable, and fun way to clean your babies cloth diapers and clothes, Rockin Green has got you covered.
Find out more about them HERE.
I got mine from this great family owned small business in my town called Growing Up. But you can also support them Here and get your own rockin green soap and many other super cute Eco friendly family items. They also sell sample packs that are great not only to try it out (even though you will certainly love it and might as well get a full size too) but also perfect for travel if you are using cloth on the go. We will have ours in our luggage in our next travel.


2 thoughts on “Rockin Green Laundry Detergent Review

  1. Rockin’ Green is my favorite line of green cleaning products! I started out with the laundry soap–it has never let me down. From cloth diapers to jeans, it gets everything nice and clean. No more stains or lingering smells! I love it!

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